Facial Lines and BOTOX
What is BOTOX?
BOTOX is a licenced and prescribed medicinal product with a number of uses. The active ingredient, botulinum toxin, is a purified protein. There are a number of licenced preparations including BOTOX, Dysport and Myobloc and they all have similar effects.
1. Facial Lines. It is used for the prevention and treatment of unwanted facial lines and wrinkles – eg brow lines, frown lines, crows feet and bunny lines.
2. Facial Remodelling. It is used to reshape certain parts of the face such as downturned lips, to correcting gummy smiles, smoothinh knobbly chins and lifting the tip of the nose.
3. Excessive perspiration. It is the best non surgical treatment for excessive underarm perspiration.
4. Tension Headaches. It is used in the prevention of tension headaches
BOTOX has been in medical use for over 30 years and is now the number one procedure for the above problems.
Facial Lines
How does it work and what does it do
BOTOX works by blocking nerve impulses that control various structures in the body including the muscles of facial expression. BOTOX can block habitual facial expressions such as frowning that leave crease lines between the eyebrows. Other unwanted lines on the face and neck such as brow lines and radial ‘crows feet’ lines around the eyes can also be treated in the same way. New lines are prevented from forming and any existing lines are softened – with repeated use established lines will have the opportunity to grow out. Your face will end up looking less stressed and more relaxed.
Is it suitable for me
BOTOX is suitable for either gender from the age of 30 and upwards. BOTOX is more effectively used for the prevention of lines and should therefore be considered once lines begin to appear and before they become deep and established. BOTOX will nevertheless soften existing lines and with repeated use established lines will grow out. BOTOX smoothes away those lines and wrinkles that make you look older and gives you a more relaxed and youthful appearance. With periodic use established lines will grow out. The results are often described as amazing.
Are there alternatives
There are other ways that facial lines and creases can be treated – however each has its advantages, drawbacks and limitations. BOTOX is particularly suitable for the prevention of lines of the upper part of the face. Other lines, folds and creases in different parts of the face may be more amenable to treatments with dermal fillers or with different types of collagen stimulants. There are a variety of natural and artificial dermal fillers and there are different ways in stimulating the skin to produce collagen and elastin fibres using lasers, radiofrequency, infra red, needling and chemical peels. To view the alternatives click on the words outlined in blue and follow the links. Once you have surveyed the alternatives ask to have a free consultation with the clinic doctor.
How long does it take to work and will the benefits last
Effects of the treatment begin after a day or two and reach their peak in the first week. A gradual relaxation of lines and creases can be seen within a few days of the injection. The effects last for many weeks with a gradual return after some 3 months on average. Results vary amongst individuals and are only temporary. However with repeated use the effects are longer lasting and may eventually be maintained with only one or two treatments per year. You will therefore need to plan for further injections depending on your long term treatment goals.
What does the procedure involve
The treatment is a relatively simple and safe procedure. Using a tiny sterile and disposable microneedle, small amounts of the product are injected precisely and directly into the desired treatment areas. The procedure takes from a few minutes up to 20 minutes or so following your initial consultation with the doctor, and is carried out while on a treatment couch. There is usually very little if any evidence that you have had anything done – the tiny injection marks fade after a few minutes and may be covered with a little makeup immediately afterwards.
Is there any pain or discomfort
Because the needle is very fine the discomfort associated with the injections is minimal and local anaesthetics aren’t required although a numbing cream can be applied beforehand. Most people having it for the first time are usually surprised by how little discomfort there is.
Are there any contra-indications
The doctor will review your medical history during your initial consultation. If you are pregnant or breast feeding or have any of the following – Myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, Blood coagulation disorders such as haemophilia – you will not be eligible for this treatment.
Drug interactions can occur when BOTOX is used concomitantly with other medications. Since these medications can alter the effects of BOTOX you must ensure that your doctor is aware of any current medications you are taking, especially – Aminoglycoside antibiotics, anaesthetics and muscle relaxants.
Individuals with HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis or other contagious disease should inform the doctor beforehand.
Are there any complications or risks
BOTOX injection is generally a safe and effective treatment method and relatively free from complications or side effects especially if carried out by an experienced injector. Each year thousands of patients worldwide undergo treatments with BOTOX for both medical and cosmetic reasons and there are presently no long-term safety concerns. Nevertheless, certain side effects can occur but, like the intended treatment effects, they are mostly temporary and reversible. The following is a list of potential adverse effects (side effects):- Bruising or swelling at the injection site, headache, flu like symptoms, temporary drooping of eyebrow or upper eyelid, asymmetry of facial expression, brief visual disturbances, skin rash or itching, allergic reactions, local muscle atrophy.
Is there any downtime from the procedure
There is usually little if any down time unless you experience any of the above complications. Most individuals can simply return to their everyday activity apart from strenuous exercising or lying down in the first 6 hours immediately after the injection procedure.