Tension Headaches and BOTOX
What is a tension headache
Tension headaches result from prolonged muscular tension in muscles located around the head – usually in the forehead and temples and sometimes at the back of the head – but may occur at the back of the head as well. There are other causes of headaches and it would be worthwhile getting a diagnosis from your GP and discussing any treatment options with him first.
How effective is BOTOX for tension headaches
The results are variable but the majority of individuals receiving a number of well placed injections of BOTOX benefit immeasurably. There will be a percentage of individuals however, that do not respond or only respond minimally. The benefits can only be determined by trial. There are a number of different treatments for tension headaches including pharmaceutical preparations and massages to name a couple. Effects of BOTOX treatment begin within a day or two and there is a gradual reduction of symptoms in this time. Headaches may be kept at bay for many weeks thereafter. If your goal is to prevent headaches re-occurring you will need to plan for further injections when the benefits start to wear off.
Is BOTOX suitable for me
BOTOX has become an extremely popular treatment largely because of its efficacy and lack of any long term problems. How suitable it is for you can only be determined by a trial. Its efficacy is largely determined by the correct placement and the correct dose and this is down to the experience of the practitioner
Is there an alternative to BOTOX treatment
There are a number of different treatments for tension headaches including pharmaceutical preparations and massages to name a couple. Many individuals will have tried many of these other methods with limited benefits before resorting to trying BOTOX. It would be worthwhile getting a diagnosis from your GP and discussing the treatment options with him if you haven’t done so already.
How long does it take to work and will the benefits last
Effects of the treatment begin within a day or two and there is a gradual reduction of symptoms in this time. Headaches may be kept at bay for many weeks thereafter. If your goal is to prevent headaches re-occurring you will need to plan for further injections when the effects start to wear off.
What does the procedure involve
The treatment is a relatively simple and safe procedure. Using a tiny sterile and disposable microneedle, small amounts of the product are injected precisely and directly into the desired treatment areas. The procedure takes several minutes or so following your initial consultation with the doctor, and is carried out whilst on a treatment couch. There is usually very little if any evidence that you have had anything done – the tiny injection marks fade after a few minutes and may be covered with a little makeup immediately afterwards.
Is there any pain or discomfort
Because the needle is very fine the discomfort associated with the injections is minimal and local anaesthetics aren’t required although a numbing cream can be applied beforehand. Most people having it for the first time are usually surprised by how little discomfort there is.
Are there any contra-indications
The doctor will review your medical history during your initial consultation. If you are pregnant or breast feeding or have any of the following – Myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, Blood coagulation disorders such as haemophilia – you will not be eligible for this treatment.
Drug interactions can occur when BOTOX is used concomitantly with other medications. Since these medications can alter the effects of BOTOX you must ensure that your doctor is aware of any current medications you are taking, especially – Aminoglycoside antibiotics, anaesthetics and muscle relaxants.
Individuals with HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis or other contagious disease should inform the doctor beforehand.
Are there any complications or risks
BOTOX injection is generally a safe and effective treatment method and relatively free from complications or side effects especially if carried out by an experienced injector. Each year thousands of patients worldwide undergo treatments with BOTOX for both medical and cosmetic reasons and there are presently no long-term safety concerns. Nevertheless, certain side effects can occur but, like the intended treatment effects, they are mostly temporary and reversible. The following is a list of potential adverse effects (side effects):- Bruising or swelling at the injection site, transient flu like symptoms and worsening of headaches, temporary drooping of eyebrow or upper eyelid, asymmetry of facial expression, brief visual disturbances, skin rash or itching, allergic reactions, local muscle atrophy.
Is there any downtime from the procedure
There is usually little if any down time unless you experience any of the above complications. Most individuals can simply return to their everyday activity apart from strenuous exercising or lying down in the first 6 hours immediately after the injection procedure.